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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类大全 > 信ξ息化校园 > 输入输出设备 > 其它外设


                • MICRASCRIBE威力三≡维数字化仪▼
                产品报价: 面议
                071 (G2/G2X/G2L/G2LX)



                 品牌: MICRASCRIBE威力
                 型号: MicroScribe-G2系列
                具体说明: MicroScribe-G2是美国 Immersion 公司最新推出的三维数字化仪,用于建立精细的三维电脑模型,是设计工程人∑员、动画制作设计师、游戏开发师、建筑师、科学研究人员的理想工具。


                MicroScribe -G2是美国Immersion公司最推出的三维数字化仪,它突破了计算机的三』维数据空间与现实的三维数据♂空间的距离,使得被测物体通过 “威力手”在计算机的虚拟空间里得以重现。它适用于模具开发、影视动画 、游戏开发等针对外』形测量的行业及个人工作室 。

                接口:RS-232或USB 1.1
                本文叙〓述了用户使用三维数字化仪 MicroScribe 3DLX 威力手的成功经验。通过用三维数字化≡仪在 AutoCAD 中采点,用 UGII 或 Pro/E 造型还原三维曲面的简单方法,效果很好,获得∏用户好评;降低了成本,该文中三例若用三◥坐标测量仪采点,则需 1500 元 3000 元/每件,而用三维数字化仪才㊣ 用了 500 元/每件,速度快、造型修改方便,为模具界又开辟了一条捷径。适合没有数据的三维外型零件的仿造,特别适合在仿型基╲础上的概念设计。例如:摩托车、汽车、家电外型的概念设计。它最大的特点是该三维数字化仪可以放在计算机旁使用,跟随设计师的思路@ 进行,这ξ 将给设计带来一场革命。

                型号 MicroScribe-G2 - 50”(1270mm)球
                MicroScribe-G2X* - 50”(1270mm)球
                MicroScribe-G2L - 66”(1676mm)球
                MicroScribe-G2LX* - 66”(1676mm)球
                * 型号末尾带有“X”为高精度
                平面支持 可连PC, Macintosh, SGI/UNIX
                软件驱动 提供多种〇流行软件驱动如: 3D Studio VIZ, 3D Studio MAX, AutoCAD, Mechnical Desktop, Alias, Maya, from Z, Lightwave, SolidWork等
                数字化率 1,000点/秒
                精度 (100点ANSI球) MicroScribe-G2 : 0.015" (0.38mm)
                MicroScribe-G2X : 0.009" (0.23mm)
                MicroScribe-G2L : 0.017" (0.43mm)
                MicroScribe-G2LX : 0.012" (0.30mm)
                台面面积 6" x 6"
                串口 RS232或USB 1.1
                • 携带式▲手提箱
                • 数据连线
                • “Triggle”式手Ψ 动开关
                • “Pager”式手动开关
                • 三角支架
                • 重▃型双定位脚踏板
                • 数字化▅转换平台及油灰
                MicroScribe enables you to construct detailed computer models by simply tracing the surface features of real physical objects. The 3D digitizing process is fast, accurate and easy.

                It is ideal for engineers, animators, designers, video game developers, architects, scientists, and anyone else who works or plays in 3D. MicroScribe is simply the fastest way to create complex 3D models.

                4 Available Models -

                MicroScribe-3D for Multimedia/Animation

                MicroScribe-3DX for CAD/Scientific


                MicroScribe-3DLX for digitizing very large objects.

                In developing MicroScribe, it was Immersions goal to provide graphic artists, animators, video game developers, industrial designers, engineers, and scientists with the highest performance, most cost effective, and most versatile 3D digitizing system. The result is a highly refined product that looks and feels at home on the desktop while providing the performance of a precision industrial instrument. The award winning MicroScribe is constructed from the highest quality components, using precise aluminum housings, light-weight graphite links, and state-of-the-art electronics to provide years of trouble-free digitizing. The mechanical arm is carefully counterbalanced to allow effortless manipulation. MicroScribe is easy to setup. easy to use, and a pleasure to work with.

                The Fastest Way to Create in 3D

                MicroScribe provides a fast reliable, and easy-to-use method for creating accurate 3D computer models. Just trace over the contours of a physical object and build complex 3D datasets in a matter of minutes. MicroScribe works with physical objects of any shape, size, and material. A variety of software packages provide the solutions you need to get up and running in no time.

                Software Support

                To take advantage of MicroScribe, you can either use a dedicated digitizing software application or use one of many software drivers that link MicroScribe to existing software applications. Each of these options allows you to create complex 3D models using points, lines, polygons, splines, NURBS, or other standard geometric entities. Graphical datasets can be saved as dxf, IGES, obj, txt, 3ds, and other common file formats. You can even use MicroScribe as a 3D mouse to control view locations, set light source locations, and even define animation trajectories in real-time.

                Digitizing Software Applications

                Enhance the digitizing process by allowing you to use MicroScribe to create, edit and then save 3D models in standard tile formats. Once saved, the resulting dataset can be imported into most graphics, animation, CAD, and scientific applications. See our MicroScribe-3D Software Page for descriptions of available software packages.

                MicroScribe Software Drivers

                Enable you to bring data directly into software applications that you already use. InScribe is a free software driver included with MicroScribe that inserts 3D data directly into most Windows 3.1, 95, and NT applications. Additional drivers allow MicroScribe to work seamlessly within popular graphics and animation packages such as 3D Studio MAX, AutoCAD, CadKey, LightWave, SoftImage, and others.

                Developers API

                For those with custom needs, Immersion provides a software developers kit that enables you to quickly write your own software for MicroScribe. The API includes basic C routines for reading data from MicroScribe. The API supports Windows, DOS, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms.


                Precision Mechanical Arm
                High performance sensors track the position and orientation of the stylus tip. Graphite links create a robust yet lightweight structure. Counter-balanced for a comfortable feel.

                Included Digitizing Software
                Allows 3-D models to be constructed using points, lines, polygons, or splines. Data can be exported in formats including .dxf, .obj, .txt and others.

                Available Drivers
                Allow MicroScribe-3D to function within popular graphic modeling packages.

                Ideal for studio, office or home.

                Connects to PC, Macintosh, SGI and others.

                Versatile Base
                Sits on desk, mounts on tripod, or attaches to any surface.

                High Accuracy (100 point ANSI Sphere)

                MicroScribe-3D . . . . 0.015" (0.38 mm)

                MicroScribe-3DX . . . 0.009" (0.23 mm)

                MicroScribe-3DL . . . 0.017" (0.43 mm)

                MicroScribe-3DLX . . 0.012" (0.30 mm)

                Huge Workspace

                MicroScribe-3D . . . 50" (1.27 m) Sphere

                MicroScribe-3DX . . . 50" (1.27 m)

                Sphere MicroScribe-3DL . . . 66" (1.67 m)

                Sphere MicroScribe-3DLX . . . 66" (1.67 m) Sphere

                Rapid Sampling Rate . . .1,000 points/second

                Small Footprint . . . 6" x 6"

                Serial Interface . . . RS232

                Call (415)-459-1050 for pricing or contact a Sales rep
