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                Genie Backup Manager Home V9.0——数据备份软件

                Genie Backup Manager Home V9.0——数据备份软件
                • Genie Backup Manager Home V9.0——数据备份软件
                产品报价: 12087
                Genie Backup Manager Home V9.0——数据备份软件

                Genie Backup Manager Home V9.0——数据备份软件

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨→询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                Genie Backup Manager 可以备份/还原重要的邮件Outlook、收藏夹、通讯簿、字体,还有您所指定的任何文件。

                Genie Backup Manager Home is a total system and data protection solution that combines ease-of-use and robust performance for all novice users. It allows home and office users to backup and recover their PCs swiftly and reliably, and protects all MS Windows based desktops, laptops, and networked systems against various types of threats such as system failure, human error, and disaster.
                With its simple sleek interface; novice users can enjoy the step-by-step wizard in creating their jobs to virtually any storage destination including: Local/LAN location, Removable Media Devices (USB Sticks, REV disks, Floppy disks, etc), Remote location using FTP, CD/DVD media, as well as Online using Ajax-based backup technology, offering better data management and greater data availability.
                Equipped with Windows Vista compatible disaster recovery feature; GBM Home v8.0 guarantees data protection by backing up your whole system (Operating System, Applications, Documents, E-mails, Photos, Audio & Video, Settings, Desktop, Files/Folders, MS Outlook, and Win Mail, etc) and providing faster and easier recovery without the need for MS Windows installation CD. Using its clear cut wizard-based interface, it simplifies things by scanning your system for important data and lists the file selections using Windows Explorer style as well as offering the option of switching to ‘Easy Mode’, turning GBM Home into an even simpler solution.

                Genie Backup Manager Home Edition allows the user to get quick access to backups using desktop shortcuts and create self restorable backups to restore data. You don’t need to be a computer wiz to restore your outlook profiles or windows settings. GBM automatically restores your user profile without the hassle of user input. Quick help can also be found on each wizard page for user guidance.
                GBM Home V8.0 delivers higher reliability as it packs everything under one roof


                Easy to use
                With its wizard based interface, GBM allows you to easily create backups and select data without much hassle.
                Keep track of your backup status and backup included files with Genie’s Log Manager and email notification feature.
                Include all your vital and personal data including application settings, media, photos, favorites, mail as well as file and folder using GBM’s explorer style file selections.

                Fast Backup/Recovery
                No need to be a computer wiz. Effortlessly select your personal data and recover them swiftly and automatically using GBM’s backup and restore wizard.

                Express Search
                Seek out a specific file using the Catalog and extract or run them from there.
                System Requirements:


                Intel Pentium® III processor or above
                512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended)
                50 MB free hard drive space

                Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows®Vista
                Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ 6.0.0 or later
                Flash Player
