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                教育装备采购网首页 > 产品库 > 产品分类※大全 > 信息化校ぷ园 > 软件及平台系统 > 科学软件

                ImageTool for Office 文档☉管理软件

                ImageTool for Office 文档」管理软件
                • ImageTool for Office 文档管理软件
                产品报价: 12390
                ImageTool for Office 文档管理软件

                ImageTool for Office 文档管理软件

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。
                ImageTool Office是以基于Microsoft Office、使用简单、功能齐全的深受广大用户喜爱的文档管理应用软件。ImageTool可让您提取、协作和存档相关文件和信息以及电子邮件,这对您 的操作是至关重要的。此软件可以实现文档和信息安全同时容易存取和可查找的格式,

                ImageTool for Office

                ImageTool Office is a Microsoft Office based, user-friendly, feature rich software application for production document management. ImageTool allows you to capture, collaborate and archive the documents, information and emails that are critical to your operations. Documentation and information is readily available in a secure, yet easy to access, searchable format.
                Communication between departments and outside resources will drastically improve. And the amount of time and money spent copying and distributing paper will be almost non existent.
                With ImageTool, scanned and electronic documents can be accessed across the department or an entire organization. Users can search and retrieve documents by entering any combination of document attributes or performing a keyword search for words contained within the document. ImageTool also statuses documents for data required and utilizes your email for task notification.
                Getting paper in an electronic format fast is key to the productivity of a document management system. The conversion of paper documents to make storage and retrieval of the information they hold more efficient and timely begins with the scanning process. The capture of documents is accomplished from the built in scanning environment, or scanned documents from other devices. Scanned, Microsoft Office and other electronic documents are placed in in-baskets that are stored on the network or local drive of the scanning station computer. Once the documents are captured in digital form, they can be further processed to enhance the appearance, extract the important data, and stored in readily accessible formats. ImageTool is loaded with productivity shortcuts and automation.
                The Professional user has the capability to scan documents, index documents, search documents, OCR documents, modify documents and add comments and notes on the documents. ImageTool Professional Series include wizards to send documents to a CD for distribution, and publishing documents to the WEB. The Professional user has the ability to maintain system users and document vaults with the appropriate security rights.
                Benefits & Features
                -Secure your documents
                -Immediately access critical information
                -Share information in seconds
                -Improved communication
                -Increased productivity
                -Reduced expenses
                -Ease of use
                -Increased document security
                -Disaster recovery
                -Reduced storage space & fees
                -Advanced searching, filtering & sorting of documents
                -Full text OCR for keyword searches
                -Integration & support with Microsoft Office & Outlook
                -Search across multiple document categories
                -Research mode
                -Turbo mode
                -Web publishing wizard
                -CD archive wizard
                -Document cleanup
                -Barcode recognition
                -On the fly OCR
                -Bates stamping
                -Batch indexing
                -Multiple levels of security
                -Unlimited user defined stamps
                -Database support - SQL Server, Oracle & Access