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                Pearl Echo Suite 8.0 (网络监控软件)

                Pearl Echo Suite 8.0  (网络监控软件)
                • Pearl Echo Suite 8.0  (网络监控软件)
                产品报价: 3674
                Pearl Echo Suite 8.0 (网络监控软件)

                Pearl Echo Suite 8.0  (网络监控软件)

                如需本款软件的最终价格,请留言咨询 ,我们将尽快给您报价。

                Pearl Echo®是一个企业级的员工网络监控、过滤和控制软件程序设计来从一个中央位置监视和控制互联网活动的多个pc和精简型用户端。Pearl Echo积极捕捉员工web浏览、文件传输、新闻、聊天、即时通讯工具、电子邮件和电子邮件,包括所有编码的附件。Pearl Echo理想情况ㄨ下提供互联网监控需求的任何网络设置包括那些有多个地点和漫游或移动互联网用户。

                Pearl Echo Suite
                Pearl Echo® is an enterprise-class employee Internet monitoring, filtering and control software program designed to monitor and control the Internet activity of multiple PCs and thin clients from a central location. Pearl Echo actively captures employee web browsing, file transfers, news, chat, IM, e-mail and web-mail, including all encoded attachments. Pearl Echo ideally accommodates the Internet monitoring needs of any Internet setup including those with multiple locations and roaming or mobile Internet users.
                Pearl Echo enables organizations to set user-level monitoring and Internet access policies in a client-server, server-centric and peer-to-peer computing environment. Pearl Echo Employee Internet Monitoring, Filtering, and Control software monitors each user’s web browsing, file transfers, news, chat, e-mail and instant messaging. Pearl Echo’s proven capabilities extend beyond standard Internet mail to include management of Microsoft Exchange mail and Novell Groupwise. Pearl Echo also monitors keywords and phrases to protect against the dissemination of confidential information in web postings, blogs, im, e-mail and even in encoded e-mail attachments.

                With a click of a mouse, Pearl Echo allows you to easily view how much time users are spending online. For in-depth analysis, Pearl Echo includes an enterprise-class report manager with a Quick-Link™ feature that automatically links to visited web sites and restores all text from outbound and inbound e-mail, im and news group postings. The Pearl Echo Report Manager consists of over seventy five standard reports that can be customized and run interactively or be scheduled for automatic generation and distribution based on your existing Directory users and groups.

                Pearl Echo’s powerful Mobility Monitor™ accommodates customers who are concerned about the continuity of their Internet usage policies extending beyond the company’s internal network. Pearl Echo also caters to thick or thin client workstations in a Terminal Services and Citrix MetaFrame environment. Pear Echo’s flexible design ensures simple deployment yet can handle your most complex and evolving network infrastructures.
                Server Hardware Recommendations (Administration Machine)

                A Windows server or workstation with an IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) that can be directly or indirectly (NAT) accessed by the workstations you intend to monitor.
                Minimal hardware specifications for optimal performance (250 users) include:
                Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz processor or greater
                1 GB RAM
                At least 1 GB of free disk space
                Operating Systems Compatibility
                Windows Server 2003 or higher, including SP1
                Windows Vista‡
                Windows XP Professional
                Windows 2000 SP4 (Professional or Server)
                Windows NT 4 SP6a (Workstation or Server)
                Microsoft SQL Server (Optional)

                Agent Workstation Hardware Requirements
                Processor and Memory as specified by minimum Operating System requirements.
                At least 5 MB of available disk space.
                Agent Workstation Operating System Compatibility
                Citrix Server, Microsoft Terminal Server
                Windows Vista, XP, 2000 SP4, NT 4.0 SP6a
                Windows ME, 98, 98SE
                Windows 95 with Microsoft’s Winsock2 (included)
                Additional System Requirements
                If you would like to evaluate Echo Filters™, Pearl Echo’s web category filtering and reporting feature, please ensure that the Microsoft .Net Framework is installed on your Pearl Echo Server. You can obtain the latest .Net Framework from Microsoft or directly from the “Custom” option of your Windows Update utility.

                Installing and running server software on Windows Vista should be done with elevated privileges or with User Account Control disabled.
